Legal Notice

Website URL:

Contact: E-mail: - Telephone Number: +33 (0)1 89 16 42 77

Director of Publication: Claude Cavelius

Publisher: DEEPLIME SAS, having its registered offices at 28 rue du Chemin Vert, 75011 Paris, registered with the Paris Registry of Trade and Companies under number 841092497 00038, intercommunity VAT n°: FR13841092497, with capital of EUR 3,000.00.

Hosted by: Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL - AMAZON WEB SERVICES EMEA SARL, SUCCURSALE FRANÇAISE, having its registered offices at 31 PLACE DES COROLLES, TOUR CARPE DIEM, 92400 COURBEVOIE, FRANCE, registered with the Nanterre Registry of Trade and Companies under number 831 001 334, intercommunity VAT n°: FR30831001334, APE : 6311Z;
Telephone Number: +33 (0)1 46 17 10 00

Privacy Policy

At DEEPLIME, protecting your personal data is our priority.

When you use the website (hereinafter the "Website"), we are required to collect personal data about you.

The purpose of this policy is to inform you on how we process your personal data in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data - General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter the "GDPR").

1. Who is the data controller?

The data controller is DEEPLIME, French simplified joint stock company, registered with the Registry of Trade and Companies of Paris under the number 841 092 497 and whose head office is located at 28 Rue du Chemin Vert 75011 Paris (hereinafter "Us" or "We").

2. What personal data we collect?

The term ‘personal data’ means data enable to identify a natural person directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

We may collect the following personal data:

We inform you, when collecting your personal data, whether some of these data are mandatory or optional. Mandatory data are necessary for the provision of our services.

3. On what legal basis, for what purposes and for how long do we keep your personal data?

Purposes Legal basis Data retention period
To provide you with a free trial Taking steps at your request prior to entering into a contract Your data are retained for the duration of the free trial.
To compile a database of customers and prospects Our legitimate interest in developing and promoting our business

For our clients: their personal data are retained for the duration of the business relationship plus a 3-year period from the termination of this relationship.

For our prospects: their personal data are retained for a 3-year period starting from the last contact with us (e.g. communication, action). In addition, personal data may be archived for probationary purposes for a 5-year period.

To send newsletters, requests and direct marketing mailings Our legitimate interest in developing and promoting our business Personal data are retained for a 3-year period starting from the last contact with us (e.g. communication, action).
To answer to your information request and other inquiries Our legitime interest in responding to your inquiries Personal data are retained for the necessary time to process of your request and are deleted once the request has been processed.
To process data subjects’ requests to exercise their rights Legal and regulatory obligations

If we ask you a proof of identity: we only retain it for the necessary time to verify your identity. Once the verification has been carried out, the proof is deleted.

If you object to direct marketing: we can keep this information for 3 years.

4. Who are the recipients of your personal data?

Will have access to your personal data:

5. Are your personal data likely to be transferred outside the European Union?

Your personal data is hosted for the duration of the processing on the servers of Google located in the European Union.

As part of the tools we use (see article on the recipients of your personal data, especially our processors), your personal data may be transferred outside the European Union. The transfer of your personal data in this context is secured with the use of following safeguards:

6. What rights do you have regarding your personal data?

You have the following rights with regard to your personal data:

You can exercise these rights by writing us using the contact details below. For this matter we may ask you to provide us with additional information or documents to prove your identity.

7. Contact information for data privacy matters

Contact email:

Contact address: 28 rue du Chemin Vert, 75011, Paris

8. Modifications

We may modify this privacy policy at any time, in particular in order to comply with any regulatory, jurisprudential, editorial or technical change. These modifications will apply on the date of entry into force of the modified version. Please regularly consult the latest version of this privacy policy. You will be kept posted of any significant change of the privacy policy.

Entry into force: April 1st 2021

Appendix – Cookies policy

1. What is a Cookie?

When browsing our website (hereafter referred to as the “Website”), cookies, pixels, tags and other trackers (hereafter referred to as the “Cookies”) are installed on your computer.

A cookie is a small file, often encrypted, that is stored in your browser or device and is identified by a name. It is installed when you visit a website or application. Each time you return to the said website or application, the Cookie is retrieved from your browser or device. This ensures that each time you visit the website or application, the browser is recognized.

The installation of these Cookies is likely to enable us to access your browsing data and/or personal data concerning you.

2. Cookies Identification

▸ Technical and functional Cookies

Technical and functional Cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the Website and to provide you with our services. They are used throughout your navigation, in order to facilitate it and to carry out certain functions.

For example, a technical Cookie may be used to store your responses to a form or your preferences regarding the language or layout of the Website, where such options are available.

We use the following technical and functional Cookies:

Cookie’s name Cookie’s Function Data retention period Link to the Cookies policy
deeplime Cookies manager to respect the privacy of our visitors 6 months

▸ Advertising Cookies

Advertising Cookies may be created not only by our Website but also by other websites and applications that serve ads, announcements, widgets or other elements displayed on the page.

These Cookies can be used, among other things, to personalize and measure the effectiveness of advertising or to carry out advertising targeting.

▸ Content personalization Cookies

Content Personalization Cookies allow us to provide you with content that is more likely to match your interests based on your browsing profile. Your browsing profile is established according to the content you have already consulted.

▸ Social network Cookies

Social network Cookies allow you to share content from our Website on social networks and to express, on these networks, your opinion or make public your consultation of our Services by clicking, for example, on the "like" and "share" links.

These Cookies may also enable to trace user's browsing on the Website.

We invite you to consult the Privacy Policies of the social networks, owners of these Cookies, to be aware of the purposes of use of the browsing information they may collect through these Cookies and how to exercise your rights with these social networks.

▸ Analytical Cookies

These Cookies allow us to measure the number of visits, page views and user activity. If necessary, they may collect your IP address to know the city from which you are connecting. Analytical Cookies allow us to generate statistics on the use and navigation of our Website in order to improve our performances. The Cookies used also allow us to identify navigation problems and eventually to solve them.

We may use advertisng Cookies or analytical Cookies. You will be informed of this on your first visit to the Website using these cookies. You will then be invited to accept or refuse them in accordance with the terms described below.

3. Your Cookies preferences

▸ Cookies that can be installed without consent

Some cookies do not require your consent, such as:

▸ Acceptance or refusal of Cookies subject to your express consent

All other Cookies require your consent. These include Advertising Cookies, and some Audience Analysis Cookies. You may freely choose to accept or decline the use of these Cookies.

You can accept or refuse these Cookies the first time you browse the Website.

Your choices to accept or refuse these Cookies will be retained for a period of six (6) months.

You are free to withdraw your consent and more generally to change your preferences at any time via

▸ Your browser settings

It is also possible to set your browser to accept or reject certain Cookies.

Each browser offers different settings.